Streets and Parks
Streets and Parks

Streets and Parks Department
Streets and Parks consists of four person crew that maintains all of our City streets, including surface repair and maintenance, cleaning and snow removal.
The City snow removal policy is available for download:
City Snow Removal Policy
The City parks are maintained by the Street Department, including the Memorial Park next to the Library, the Northside Park, the City Swimming Pool and the Visitor Center Park.
If you are considering any work in the public right-of-way, including construction of any structure (overhead or underground), or a new access or modification of an access (driveway), a Right-of-Way Encroachment Permit is required. If you have questions about the permit, please contact Street Superintendent Scooter Drake at 267-3105 or 267-4383. You can download the permit application or pick it up at City Hall. The non-fundable fee permit is $250.
Right of Way Encroachment Permit Application-Adobe