Call Before You Dig!
Whenever you dig anything from a post hole to a major excavation project, it’s important to show where utility lines are located. At least two business days before you dig, call:
1-800-626-4950 or #811
If you have an after hours utility emergency, please call the Boundary County Sheriff dispatch at 208-267-3151.
The City of Bonners Ferry offers water, sewer, garbage and electricity to the residents in its service area. The utility services are operated as non profit enterprises, with the goal of providing the best possible service at the lowest cost to the consumer.
Water Quality Reports
2021 Annual Water Quality Report
2022 Annual Water Quality Report
2023 Annual Water Quality Report
Utility Payments and Service Changes
The forms listed below will assist you in applying for new utility service or making a change to your existing service.
Payments for utility services may be made at City Hall or by using Paperless Bills/Online Payments. All changes to services or modification of service types can be filed with the City during regular business hours.
Utility Billing Policy
Paperless Bills/Online Payments
Application for Residential Utility Service-PDF
Application for Commercial Utility Service-PDF
Request to Discontinue Utility Service-PDF
Utility Service Application New/Upgrade/Retirement-Adobe
Utility Service Application New/Upgrade/Retirement-PDF
Request for Automatic Withdrawal-Adobe
Request for Automatic Withdrawal-PDF
Banner Request Form-Adobe
Banner Pole Request-PDF
Electric Department
The City of Bonners Ferry Electric Department is a municipal electric utility governed by the Bonners Ferry City Council and owned by the City since the 1920s. The City serves just over 2,400 customers, sells around 64,000 megawatt hours per year, with an annual budget of just under $5 Million per year.
The electric department has four lineman, three power plant operators, and an electrician.
The City owns and operates the Moyie Hydroelectric process which generates approximate 1/3 of its customer’s electricity requirements. The remainder of the power is purchased from Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). The City currently has contracts with BPA extending through 2018.
Water and Sewer Department
Water for the City is provided primarily from Mrytle Creek, which provides excellent tasting water for our customers. The Kootenai River is used as a backup source, and we are also interconnected with the Cabinet Mountain Water District as an emergency back-up source. The water treatment plant uses rapid sand filtration, and we have three storage tanks with a combined capacity of 950,000 gallons. Waste water is treated in a four cell lagoon system.
Basic Information about Lead in Drinking Water | US EPA
Water Service Line Information
More information about our water system can be found in our water quality reports:
water quality reports
The City contracts with Bonners Ferry Garbage Company for residential garbage pickup. This service is required for all homes in the City, and is billed by the City. Businesses contract directly with Bonners Ferry Garbage for service @ (208)267-3303.