Moyie River Hydroelectric Project

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Relicensing


The City of Bonners Ferry, Idaho (City) is the licensee, owner, and operator of the 3.95-megawatt Moyie River Hydroelectric Project (Project) (FERC No. 1991). The Project was built in 1949 and is located on the Moyie River in Boundary County, approximately 1-1/2 miles upstream of the confluence of the Moyie River and Kootenai River. The Project consists of a 92-foot-high concrete dam impounding a 540-acre-foot reservoir. The Project operates run-of-river and generates electricity for the City. The City proposes to continue operations in the new license consistent with current operations. 

The existing license for the Project was issued by FERC in June 1999 and expires on May 31, 2029.

FERC Relicensing 

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is an independent federal agency with the responsibility of issuing licenses for non-federally owned hydropower projects, enforces the conditions of each license for the duration of its term, and conducts project safety and environmental inspections. The existing license for the Project was issued by FERC in June 1999 and expires on May 31, 2029. 

Obtaining a new license (relicense) from FERC for the continued operation of an existing hydroelectric facility is a multi-year regulatory process that involves consultation with federal and state agencies, Indian tribes, and the public. Between five to five and a half years before the license expires, the City must file a notice of intent (NOI) declaring its intention to seek a new license (relicense) for the Project. At least two years before a license expires, the City must file an application for a new license. The license application will contain the necessary information for FERC to evaluate Project effects and prepare the environmental documents required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and its regulations.

Relicensing Process and Documents

The City filed the Pre-Application Document (PAD) with FERC on April 29, 2024 and it is available to download in the Relicensing Documents section below. The PAD summarizes the known, available information for the Project and is distributed to Tribes, agencies, and stakeholders to enable them to identify issues and related information needs. It is also a precursor to the environmental analysis section of the license application.  Comments on the PAD are due to FERC by October 7, 2024.

The next major milestone in the relicensing process is the Joint Agency/Public Meeting and Site Visit. The City will hold the Joint Agency/Public Meeting on Wednesday, August 7, 2024, at 9:00 AM PST at the Bonners Ferry City Hall located at 7232 Main Street, Bonners Ferry, Idaho 83805. A site visit is scheduled for Wednesday, August 7, 2024, at 1:30 PM PST. Parties interested in participating in the site visit should meet at the Project at 792 Canyon View Road, Moyie Springs, Idaho 83845 no later than 1:15 PM PST. If attending the site visit, please wear appropriate clothing and footwear. Should the weather on August 7, 2024, not provide for safe conditions for a site visit, an alternative date and time will be reserved for the site visit on Friday, October 12, 2024, at 1:30 PM PST.

Relicensing Documents

2024 Relicensing Fact Sheet

April 2024: Notice of Intent, TLP Request, and Pre-Application Document

Get Involved!

Documents filed with the Commission will be available from FERC’s eLibrary at  by searching under Docket P-1991.

The City will also maintain a Distribution List to inform stakeholders on relicensing activity and materials. 

Reach out to the contacts below to be added to the Distribution List to receive regular updates on the relicensing process: 

Mike Klaus, PE
City Administrator/Engineer
City of Bonners Ferry
7232 Main Street
Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
(208) 267-0357